Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why England Arent Hosting The World Cup...

Well just here we are, just off the back of another failure of English football. This time with the faces of Davids' Beckham and Cameron, Gary Lineker and some guy to do with Manchester City?? I'm watching the news and seeing the inquest start already various pundits and journalist bleating on about the injustice and the old "why does everyone hate us?" line cropping up in the undertones of the conversations.

Well now it's time I take my Englishness off and have a real look at some of the reasons why England didn't get the World Cup...

Perceived English Arrogance...

"The Premier League the best league in the world" how many times have we heard that? Well every time we say that it could be translated as "your leagues are crap not very good". I mean we live in a country that still celebrates winning one World Cup at home back when three and a half teams entered it. And every time it is World Cup time we all get in a hype about winning the thing? South Korea has played in the same number of World Cup semi finals as England in the last 30 years...

The English Media...

There is also the English media, remember exhibit A and B? Well these are just examples of the contempt the English press has for people ("Cheating French" and "Fritz The War German") who we then go on and expect to vote of us, because we have David Beckham smiling and can put on a decent light show? We give our foreign counterparts very little credit if we think that history will be forgotten and we can all get along nicely.
Exhibit A

Exhibit B

There is also the little matter of a Panorama program discrediting one of the most powerful men in FIFA, the man who could've given us three points. All the excuses are coming out about it the UK being a democracy, about free speech and that it was the right thing to do? These excuses show we didn't want it badly enough, if we wanted the World Cup to be in England, our own institutions shouldn't have been serving their individual interests and derailing the bid... I feel sorry for the people who worked so hard to get the bid ship shape only to have someone from the BBC to piss all over their bonfire ruin all that hard work.

England fans...

Well through the 80's and 90's a minority of England fans have enjoyed tearing up town centres of European towns as part of their footballing days out. Well its true and its pretty easy for us to forget as it isn't our police being attacked and our government footing the bill for the damage caused. This aspect of English football has improved greatly but just like we won't forget about "zee Germans" I'm sure our past indiscretions haven't been forgotten. 

There Were Other Teams Competing?

It is a reason isn't it? Just like English supporters think that the world cup is theirs, but as soon as someone mentions Brazil... or Spain? Or Italy? Maybe even Holland? And the lead balloon lands... This is the same with the competition to host the World Cup.

Yes England has the facilities to host the tournament, easily if I'm honest. But look at the teams the bid was lost against. Spain/Portugal - led by the country which won in South Africa 2010 and has better weather and equal facilities in comparison to England. Russia - the tournament has never been hosted by an Eastern European country, definitely has the facilities to host the tournament in relation to grounds and training facilities. The Russian bid also has serious financial backing and finally Holland/Belgium, they certainly have the facilities, but I'm not sure they had the monetary backing of the Russian bid.

Maybe the countries who finished ahead of England might have better relations with the people making the decisions. As is so often pointed out in everyday life its not what you know, its who you know...

I'm sure there are more reasons to why we aren't celebrating England 2018, but I hope these three have given you an insight into how England has stopped itself from winning the opportunity to host another World Cup.

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