Thursday, July 15, 2010

Adjat: Persib Now Only Pursue Victory

Indonesian Super League logo BANDUNG - football legend Persib Maung Bandung Adjat Sudradjat Persib criticize the current appearance. According Adjat, currently pursuing victory Persib only and have no sense of regionalism that tinggi.Jangan missed the news about the World Cup in 2010, just in
"Persib now instant, only the pursuit of it. There is no sense of regionalism that high," said Adjat the show with Kang Dede talshow Pasosore Trijaya FM Radio conducted on the water in a small Cafe Radja Bandung, Wednesday (07/14/2010) afternoon .
Former striker Persib in the era of the 80s was added, professionalism Persib digaungkan in the body has not been seen until now. Professionalism, he said, only limited speech.
Adjat is a phenomenal player. In the era of the 80s, Persib so respected thanks to the slick appearance with Robby Dervish (now coach Persib).
Two league titles Persib which he owes to 1986 and from 1989 to 1990. Because of the shining accomplishments, Adjat replica statue standing in street Tamblong Bandung.
"I have never regretted a football athlete. It used to be my motivation to be a football player because he wanted to work. Including friends of mine," said Adjat.
Motivation is what ultimately makes the players Persib '80s look to play all out. Because, he said, they no longer think about the future.

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